BBC football presenter Gary Lineker: More popular than Batman

Er is the hero this game needs: Gary Lineker, former football striker turned BBC football presenter. If he was in the next Batman movie, Batman would be the bad guy.

His latest act: Taking to Twitter, he criticized the UK government’s proposed law – which would deny refugees arriving by boat on the UK coast the right to have an asylum claim considered – and wrote that the language was “not dissimilar to that used used in Germany in the 1930s”.

For the BBC on the microphone

The BBC, which boasted this winter how critical Lineker was on air about human rights abuses in World Cup country Qatar, suspended him for an opinion piece he had published off the air. In the new language of football, one would probably say: tipping or asymmetrical morality.

At the end of this disproportionate debate, it was Gary Lineker who restored proportionality when he tweeted that no matter how difficult the past few days have been, it just doesn’t compare to being forced to flee your homeland because of persecution or war. In the old language of football, one would probably say: direct hit.


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