
The badminton tournament brings together 142 young people in Levroux

Saturday February 3 and Sunday February 5, 2023, Aurélie Rossignol, president of BDL 36, hosted the departmental young badminton championship at the Michel-Moulin gymnasium in Levroux. Fifteen clubs from the region bringing together 142 players competed in 277 matches in different categories, from chicks to juniors, in singles, mixed and doubles.

Tom Casagrande finalist

Saturday was the singles and the start of the mixed. Roméo Giraud lost all these matches but he was playing in a higher category. Lilou Bionier finds herself in top A as a junior, a higher level too, she lost in singles but won her first group match in mixed with Tom Casagrande who was a finalist in singles male junior top B.

Leni Salmon winner

And above all, Léni Salmon, the first official competition, is the winner in men’s singles junior top B. On Sunday, Lilou and Tom won their last single group match and are therefore winners in mixed junior top B. And it’s not over for Tom, there is still the double youngest man top B with his partner Théo Sevellec de Villedieu, they finish 2e. Result: 3 tables and 10 matches for Tom over the weekend and 3 titles.


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