
How to wear baggy jeans with Converse sneakers in Spring-Summer 2023

Who has not seen the hasty need to leave home at least as decently as possible in record time? Impossible for more than one to raise their hand. Therefore, take some ancho jeans white color to match some classic Converse boots in black, and adding garments to match the shoes on top, will never be considered a style error.

Baggy elephant leg jeans to match tennis shoes and colored jackets

Add a jacket for a pop of color.

Edward Berthelot

Comfort does go hand in hand with baggy clothes. A statement that finds support in the silhouettes of the jeans in trend of Spring-Summer 2023. bring some jeans in dark colors, with converse sneakers and adding garments that provide the eye-catching factor, will be another of the great successes for this season, word of the women who captivate the photographers who live to capture the trends in the streets of the fashion capitals.

In the style of Gigi Hadid: dressed all in black or with cut-out jeans and white shirts

Gigi Hadid has the keys to dress in trend.


A white shirt and Converse sneakers never fail.

Raymond Hall

Nobody like models and celebrities who have access to the best trends of each season to give style lessons with great simplicity. And it is to find the keys to carry tenis Converse con baggy jeans It will be very easy if you follow the rules that Gigi Hadid dictates. The infallible bet? Dress in monocolor with black jeans and jacket oversize in tune or, on the contrary, go for light colors with a white shirt and blue colored denim

Baggy jean with folded hem, Converse sneakers and faux leather jackets

The infallible pieces to invest in this season.

Edward Berthelot

Finally, we go back to review another style seen in the street style. Where the magic happens. So if this 2023 you are willing to invest only in key pieces that do not go out of style and that are totally timeless, combine some baggy jeans with the hem folded in gray and add a few converse sneakers in white. A jacket that makes a style statement and a sweater underneath to cover you from the cold between seasons will be the keys to creating the perfect outfit.


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