Shot in the head with baseball bat, boy arrested for attempted murder

Shot in the head with baseball bat, boy arrested for attempted murder

He allegedly hit a 53-year-old Tunisian man several times in the head with a baseball bat in a bar in Casal di Principe last Monday evening. To identify the carabinieri of Giugliano in Campaniawho arrested a 21-year-old man charged with attempted murder.

The investigative activities were triggered by the intervention of the army in the emergency room of the Giugliano hospital in Campania, where the victim had presented with several lacerated and bruised wounds to the skull, which forced doctors to order his urgent transfer to the hospital. of Pozzuoli, where he is still hospitalized with a reserved prognosis.

The surveys, carried out through analysis of extrapolated images from the bar’s CCTV system as well as the testimonies of those present, led the investigators, under the direction of the North Naples Public Prosecutor’s Office, to the identification of the arrested person taken to prison pending validation of the disposition by the investigating judge.


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