Rendezvous with contemporary witnesses: a visit from France to the Historical Museum of the Palatinate

speyer Christian Blanc, who lives near the French Mediterranean coast, is one of the supporters of the exhibition “Rendezvous. France’s military in the Palatinate 1945-1999.” His father was a gendarme in the French armed forces stationed in Speyer. Christian Blanc spent his childhood and youth in Speyer from 1947 to 1958. At first his family lived right next to what later became Adenauer Park, then in the “Cité de France” on Landauer Strasse. Now, together with his wife Monique, he visited the cathedral city and the exhibition in the Historical Museum of the Palatinate.

The Blanc couple were guided through the current exhibition by the co-curator and author of the accompanying book, Professor Christian Führer. They were also welcomed there by Guy Lesueur, who, thanks to his many years of voluntary work, is a constant in the service of Franco-German friendship. The visit to Speyer was associated with many good memories for Christian Blanc. Blanc emphasized how much the years in Speyer had shaped him. After visiting the exhibition, the couple was enthusiastic: “It’s nice to see that the memory of the French garrison is so alive here. This part of the history of Franco-German friendship deserves to be preserved.”

The exhibition “Rendezvous. France’s military in the Palatinate 1945-1999” can be seen in the Historical Museum of the Palatinate until November 27th.

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