
Batistuta replied to Cassano

It is not the first time that Antonio Cassano and Gabriel Batistuta have not had a good relationship. And the last statements of the former Italian player rekindled the fuse between the two.

They shared a squad at Roma, where Cassano played from 2001 to 2005 and the Argentine was between 2000 and 2002. It was precisely from that time that they started with the left foot and the Italian assured that his partner had several stingy gestures.

“It was horrible when I was with Batistuta and Marco Delvecchio in Roma. Batistuta in a particular way because when Trigoria arrived (Rome’s sports city) he did not pay for a coffee or greet any waiter. This was at a time when he was earning ten million euros, ten,” Cassano told the Wild Moss podcast.

Now, the Bati went out to respond to him in an Italian newspaper and was forceful: “Being considered unpleasant by Cassano seems like a nice compliment to me… I’ll tell you something: as soon as he arrived in Rome I saw him bewildered, he couldn’t settle down, I talked to my wife, we took him home and now to hear him talk like that… I’m very sorry. I feel sorry. He did not take advantage of the opportunity that football gave him to grow as a person“.

More phrases of Bati with La Nazione

– “Now I smile more, I am more relaxed. For me, football has been a job, a nice job but also a great responsibility”.

– “There are people who paid to see me and I could not afford it to be just a game. So I took it all seriously and had no room to relax, I looked tough. A joke is enough to cause a scandal and you journalists are always on the lookout. Now I’m definitely nicer.”


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