Three athletes from SC are summoned to the Brazilian Flag Football Team

football/" data-post-title="Três atletas de SC são convocadas para Seleção Brasileira de Flag Football">

Three athletes from Santa Catarina were summoned this Wednesday (28) for a training period of the Brazilian Flag Football Team, aiming at the South American Championship.

Leisilie da Silva is yet another athlete who works in SC who was called up for the training period of the Brazilian Flag Team – Photo: Grasiela Gonzaga/Flag Football Brasil/Disclosure/ND

The list includes the names of three athletes from Desterro Atlantis, from Florianópolis. For the defense, Karen Francine Heinen and Vitória Pitz Doin Vieira were summoned, already to compose the attack of the national team, Leisilie da Silva.

The training sessions are scheduled to take place between the 19th and 20th of November in Itapecerica da Serra (SP).

The purpose of the first call is to observe the 26 athletes aiming for the South American Flag Football Championship that will take place in December 2022.

Flag Football

Flag Football 5×5 is a reduced form of American football. There are five athletes on a smaller field, 23 meters wide by 64 meters long. Attached to each player’s hip is a belt with two ribbons, one on each side, the so-called flags.

The objective of the sport is to conquer territory by running or passing the ball and reaching the end zone of the field, scoring 6 points. At the end of the two 20-minute halves, whoever scores the most points wins the match.

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