
Commercial rivals in the Vesuvian countries: beatings with a baseball bat and armed threats

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In March they also attacked three people ‘guilty’ of competing with their business with a baseball bat. Following investigations, the State Police carried out an order of the precautionary measure under house arrest against three persons suspected, for various reasons, of attempted extortion, aggravated personal injury, illicit competition with violence and threats and the carrying of deeds to offend. The events took place in San Giorgio a Cremano on 12 March when two of the suspects, according to the accusation, used violence against three people belonging to the same family unit; one of them was seriously injured in the head by being hit by a baseball bat.

And the episode did not have more serious consequences thanks to the timely intervention of a State Police operator, free from duty, who disarmed one of the thugs. At the same time, the victims would be threatened with death with a gun. The investigative activities, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor of Naples and conducted by the Mobile Squad of the local Police Headquarters, have ascertained that the reason for the attack was to be found in the willingness of the authors to get rid of the competition of the victims who exercise a homologation attivita ‘commercial in the same territorial context.

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