
‘Best Year’ Wonkwang University’s badminton team wins 3 gold medals in this year’s national competition

▲The University Steering Committee members including Wonkwang Academy Chairman Sung Si-jong and President Park Maeng-soo had a time to encourage and celebrate the three national championships. ⓒWonkwang University

The badminton team of Wonkwang University, a prestigious badminton university, has been having the best year since this year, winning three national team championships.

Wonkwang University won the team event at the National Badminton Championships during the President’s period in April, followed by the team championship, individual doubles, and individual singles runner-up at the Jeonghyang-nuri National Federation Badminton Championships held in May. At the championships, he achieved the best results by winning the team event and finishing third in the individual singles.

As a result, this year alone, we have built a monumental achievement of winning the national team event for the third time in a row.

Chairman Seong Si-jong and President Park Meng-soo said, “The meaning is special as we overcame hard training and achieved good results one after another.”

Meanwhile, Wonkwang University’s badminton club, established in 1975, has produced many stars representing Korea, such as Kim Moon-soo, gold medalist at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, Kim Dong-moon, gold medalist at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, Kim Dong-moon, gold medalist at the 2004 Athens Olympics, and Ha Tae-kwon. , won 3 bronze medals and rose to a prestigious position in badminton.

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