ASEAN Para Games 2022: Finance Minister Feels “Lied” – Indonesia has successfully become the overall champion of the 2022 ASEAN Para Games with a total of more than 400 medals.

Regarding the target, the Indonesian contingent is proclaimed to win 104 gold medals at the 2022 ASEAN Para Games.

According to the chairman of the Indonesian contingent or CdM, Andi Herman, this number is based on observations of the development of sports in other Southeast Asian countries.

“Why 104? We make predictions that are not too high because we are careful, all Southeast Asian countries have developed developments,” said Andi Herman, Friday (6/8/2022).

Also read: From Lisa Rumbewas to Ginting, When the Olympic Medal Winners Inspired ASEAN Para Games Athletes

“We consider all countries according to sustainable development,” he explained.

At the end of the 2022 ASEAN Para Games, Indonesia won 172 gold medals. That number could still change, more precisely increase, until the close of Saturday night.

Seeing the number of gold medals that shot far from the target, the Indonesian Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, was confused. Because, spending on bonuses will swell more than expected.

“Yesterday, Mrs. Sri Mulyani called the Minister (Zainudin Amali), ‘wow, crazy. There are lots of lies’,” said the Chairman of the Indonesian NPC, Sanny Marbun, during the Indonesian contingent thanksgiving event at the Best Western Hotel Solo Baru, Saturday (6/8/ 2022) noon WIB.

Also read: Schedule of Closing Ceremony of ASEAN Para Games 2022: Yura Yunita and Cambodia Collaboration

“Don’t lie anymore, don’t lie next time. It’s so difficult for us to prepare sweat money, a substitute for sweat money,” said Sanny Marbun.

The Indonesian government does not discriminate the amount of bonus for athletes with disabilities from other Indonesian athletes in terms of bonuses.



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