
The practice of sport without competition at the Hondeghem multisport association

Le friendly and non-competitive sport, such is the DNA of the Hondeghem multisport association (AMH). Created in 1997, the association brings together three sections: one dedicated to badminton, another to walking and a third to cycling. “Each section has its own moderator”, presents Jean-Marie Radenne, the president of the AMH. Forty people are members of the association.

The fifteen members of the cyclo section meet every Sunday, Wednesday evening and on public holidays. “
We make courses between us, we join the clubs which organize patents “
introduces Philippe Leuwers, the head of the section.

The badminton section meets every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the sports hall. It is moderated by Louis Delbroeve.

As for the walkers, supervised by Monique Radenne, they go out almost daily, depending on the weather.

WHA membership is 30 euros a year for adults and 15 euros for children under 16. It provides access to all sections of the association.


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