
Tennis: Suddenly Ylena In-Albon is in the Wimbledon main field

Thanks to good performance and Russian exclusion

Suddenly Ylena In-Albon is in the Wimbledon main draw

Ylena In-Albon (23) is in the main draw of a Grand Slam tournament for the first time. The Valais owes this to her good performances – and the decision of the Wimbledon organizers to exclude Russian and Belarusian players.

Published: 9:25 p.m


Updated: 9:39 p.m

A year ago, Ylena In-Albon was still playing at the ITF tournament in Klosters, Graubünden. As the 451st in the world, taking part in a Grand Slam was out of the question. Twelve months later, she’s about to make her major debut at Wimbledon, right in the main draw!

The Valais native is currently ranked 110th in the world – her career high so far. For the first Grand Slam participation, however, she would have had to qualify again. So far she has not managed to survive five attempts. Because of the exclusion of the Belarusian and Russian tennis stars, she slipped further up the list. And because some had to give up due to injuries, In-Albon finally kisses the hand.


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