
NBA = Warriors Green, Round 2 “More Physical” | Reuters

Warriors’ Draymond Green (right), who made it to the NBA’s 2021-22 season championship final, said of the second match against the Celtics on the 5th, “more than the first match. I will fight physically. ” Taken on the 2nd in San Francisco (2022 Reuters / USA TODAY Sports)

[San Francisco 4th Reuters]–The Warriors’ Draymond Green, who advanced to the 2021-22 season championship final (7th round) of the American Basketball Association (NBA), will be with the Celtics in San Francisco on the 5th. Regarding the second round of the game, he said, “I will fight more physically than the first round.”

The Warriors became passive late in the game in the first leg, scoring 40 goals in the fourth quarter and losing 108-120.

“I want to fight with the concentration I need to win the NBA Finals match. (In the first match) I couldn’t keep it for 48 minutes,” Green said in a public practice.

This is the sixth time the Warriors have made it to the finals in the last eight years. Green, who has seen everything, said, “The final is not about who wins 1 first, but who wins 4 first. You won’t panic (in the first match of the black star).” Emphasized.


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