
Civitanova – Slaps and hits with a baseball bat to the car, two men arrested for attempted extortion

Slaps and hits with a baseball bat to get a thousand euros.

Two people were arrested for attempted extortion and aggravated trespassing in competition.
The carabinieri of the Compagnia di Civitanova Marche tracked down and put handcuffs on the wrists of two men who, in the first days of June, had presented themselves at the home of a forty-four-year-old merchant from Porto Recanati, threatening him and his family.
They even went so far as to slap them in front of their son and wife.
The two demanded the delivery of the undue sum of one thousand euros and, in order to appear more incisive and convincing, they had entered the family home and had hit both the fence of the house and the car with a baseball bat, irreparably damaging it. the windshield.
The investigations by the Carabinieri of the Civitanova Marche Company in collaboration with those of Macerata, Porto Potenza and Porto Recanati, made it possible to identify the two, thanks to photos taken by video surveillance.


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