
Behind Dayuanbaba Basketball Becomes a New Internet Celebrity Check-in Site: Network Effect Ignites Citizens’ Passion for Sports_Beijing_1_CBA

Original title: Behind Dayuanbaba Basketball Becomes a New Internet Celebrity Check-In: Network Effect Ignites Citizens’ Passion for Sports

“Playing here, you have the opportunity to play against the masters, the masters, and maybe even win.”

A month ago, there were only a few people playing dam basketball on the basketball court in Dayuan Central Park in Chengdu, and no one was interested; now, it has become a check-in resort for professional players and basketball enthusiasts from all walks of life. .

At 8:00 pm on June 15th, when night fell, the Dayuan basketball court was brightly lit. Hundreds of citizens watched a “4V4” basketball game on the spot, cheering and shouting constantly, and the atmosphere was extremely warm. Here, men, women and children, as long as they like basketball, can participate in it and have the opportunity to learn from professional players.

With the gathering of experts and the warm atmosphere, an ordinary outdoor stadium was called Chengdu’s “Dongdan Stadium” by many people overnight. How did it become popular on the Internet, and why did it attract everyone’s attention?

The basketball court in Chengdu Dayuan Central Park is on fire. High-level fierce confrontation, all kinds of fancy dunk performances, hundreds of onlookers applauded… On major video social platforms, this place has become a large gathering place for basketball fans, and many basketball fans come here.

At 8 pm on June 15th, Ajie and his friends took the subway to Dayuan Central Park. As soon as they got out of the subway station, they felt that the scene was hot. Inside and outside, hundreds of spectators gathered, and the game on the court was in full swing, cheering and shouting constantly.

“I usually come here at 6 o’clock in the evening. It’s better to form a team earlier.” Ajie is a member of the basketball team of Chengdu Vocational and Technical College. He learned that the basketball in Dayuanbaba is very popular recently, and many basketball masters will come here to learn from each other. He also came over to join in the fun, “I have something to delay today, and I came later than usual.”

Ajie said that after arriving at the scene, you can find interested friends to form a team freely, “4v4”, the winning team will continue to stay on the field, and the losing team will take turns to challenge.

↑The game is exciting, there are many onlookers

Dayuan Central Park basketball court is a standard court. In order to allow more people to participate, the court is divided into two halves for the game. Hundreds of citizens came to play and watch, some were sitting on the ground, some were standing, and some who couldn’t squeeze in just stood at a high place to watch.

Ajay said the audience that night was larger than usual. It turned out that several basketball players from Beijing participated in the challenge that day. One of the players named Zhang Zihao once participated in domestic basketball variety shows and is well-known in the basketball circle, and many people came to see his style.

Behind the scenes:

Do live basketball to get attention

“Wild” stadium has become Chengdu’s “Dongdan Stadium”

The Red Star News reporter learned from an interview that there are many citizens playing ball recently. On the court, there are 17 or 8 groups of players on average every night. In order to give everyone a better experience, some citizens at the scene spontaneously maintained the order of the venue. The defenders are from a basketball group called “Night Dayuan”. They are the first to play here. The members are basketball enthusiasts who live in the Dayuan area.

“The original intention of our basketball group was to make an appointment for everyone to play together after get off work.” Zhao Sanlang, the manager of “Night Source”, said that there were not many people who played here before, “there are only four or five groups every day.”

↑The competition is in full swing

How did the stadium catch fire? Zhao Sanlang introduced that in mid-May, they started to do basketball live broadcasts at the suggestion of a friend, and broadcast the process of everyone playing on the Internet every day, and they did not expect to get a lot of attention.

“Can I come to dunk?” “Is there a game every day?” During the live broadcast of the game, many netizens will ask questions about how to join, and some will like the players’ fancy dunks, and complain about their skills, or want to challenge of.

Zhao Sanlang recalled that when the live broadcast started in mid-May, it was usually broadcast for a few hours, and only a few dozen people watched it online at the same time. After about ten days, the number of people watching the live broadcast gradually increased, and even more people came to the scene to play. Among the people who came to play, there were even some professional players from CBA and CUBA, as well as Internet celebrity players, and the popularity of Dayuan Baba basketball also became popular.

Zhao Sanlang introduced that now, the number of live broadcast accounts has increased from one to three. On the evening of June 15, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room reached more than 10,000 at the same time, and the total number of viewers was 338,000. In addition to other accounts, the live broadcast was broadcast overnight, and nearly 500,000 people watched it, more than 99% of the same-level anchors.

What are the rules of Baba basketball? “The on-site rules are formulated by the players, and the two sides communicate with each other if there is a problem. If the communication fails, the audience will be the referee. If it still doesn’t work, the penalty kick will be used to determine the outcome.” Zhao Sanlang said, in fact, this is the same as the big dam ball, “but in the Playing here, you have the opportunity to play against the masters, the masters, and maybe even win.”

After the explosion of basketball in Dayuanbaba, it was even used by netizens recently to be compared with the Beijing Dongdan basketball court, which is very well-known in the basketball circle, and it is called Chengdu’s “Dongdan Stadium”.

It is understood that the famous Beijing Dongdan basketball court was founded by streetball expert Wu You in 2012. The “Sunset Dongdan” basketball game was founded in 2012. This has also lifted Dongdan from an obscure community stadium. As Chinese streetball continues to heat up, Dongdan Stadium has begun to be used as a “holy place” by Chinese streetball enthusiasts.

Industry observation:

Emerging “phenomenal” basketball court

Promoting national fitness is conducive to the development of sports spirit

On the evening of June 15, Chengdu grassroots basketball star Xie Jinyue also came to Dayuan basketball court. He and his teammates won 8 consecutive games in the game. He said: “The highest peak in the live broadcast room is 17,800 people online at the same time, and it is currently estimated that this is the only one in the country.”

Xie Jinyue is an amateur basketball enthusiast. He has been playing for 15 years since the beginning of college. In recent years, there have been more and more basketball sports events in China, and he also actively participates in it. In the past 5 years, he has participated in more than 1,200 amateur basketball games such as five-a-side and three-person basketball games, and on average, he participates in more than 200 games a year, of which he has won more than 60 championships.

Recently, he also paid attention to the popular Dayuan Dam basketball. Interestingly, other venues began to imitate and follow the trend, broadcast basketball live broadcasts, and built group publicity, hoping to bring fire to the “wild” stadium, but they did not do it.

In his opinion, the area of ​​Dayuan itself has a certain degree of attention in Chengdu, and there are many Internet celebrities punching in on weekdays. In addition, due to the large number of participants watching the basketball live, the traffic in the live broadcast room is large, and there are stars and talents coming to play, which is more attractive. The traffic is considered “phenomenal” in Baba basketball.

↑The game is exciting

According to insiders in the basketball industry in Chengdu, the popularity of Dayuan dam basketball has a certain foundation. Chengdu has a relatively long history of amateur basketball and street basketball. In the past, there were street basketball games of various brands, as well as the basketball park and Decathlon basketball park in the Chengdu Sports Center, forming a very strong basketball atmosphere. At the same time, since 2014, Chengdu has been promoting sports and entertainment methods such as three-person basketball, street basketball, and dam basketball.

It is understood that the current number of basketball venues in Chengdu, in addition to the first-class venues that can host large-scale international events, related clubs and institutions have also built 400 venues (halls). The increase in venues is convenient for citizens to participate. In the next step, the association will further promote the five- to fifteen-minute exercise fitness circle, and cooperate with streets and communities to build more sports venues, so that citizens can exercise and fitness conveniently near their homes.

“Therefore, some basketball venues, if you organize a little bit, and everyone actively participates, will gradually form a new basketball punching place with atmosphere.” Industry insiders said that Dayuanba basketball is pure grassroots, formed spontaneously, and it is popular. It not only has promotion value for projects such as three-person basketball, but also has certain economic value. The aggregation effect can drive surrounding consumption; the most important thing is its social value, which drives everyone to exercise. At the same time, it also has a guiding role in cultivating youth sports spirit.

National fitness!

Both men and women, young and old come to participate

“The body and mind are released after exercise and sleep is much better”

As the “indigenous” of Dayuan, the members of the “Nightfall Dayuan” group spontaneously maintain order on the court, take turns to the basketball court every day to group and sort the citizens who come to play, and distribute water and cards at their own expense. As long as it doesn’t rain, there is a ball here every night from 6:00 to 9:30 pm.

The hot stadium confrontation also led to a hot national fitness. The Red Star News reporter noticed that in addition to boys, there are many girls playing on the field, and even 8-year-old boys also want to practice.

In the face of boys who are dozens of centimeters taller than themselves, girls also dare to fight. “Sometimes I get knocked down, and my wrists and knees are often bruised.” Ms. Huang is an office worker. She is petite and hopes to exercise through sports, so she came to the Dayuan basketball court near her home to play a month ago. At that time, she was the only girl playing here. Recently, more people have come to play, and the girls have teamed up to challenge the boys. Although there is a big gap in strength, everyone tried their best.

Ms. Huang said that when she was on the court, she was immersed in the game, and there would be no other interference, so she was very empty. Usually, she goes to the basketball court around 7:00 after get off work, and stays there until she goes home after 9:00. After exercising, she sweats and takes a shower. Her body and mind are released, and she sleeps much better.

Mr. Kong also lives in the Dayuan area. He is engaged in tunnel-related work. As long as he does not work overtime, he will appear on the basketball court on time every night. For him, playing basketball is both a hobby and a way to reduce stress. “It’s very comfortable for everyone to get together to play ball and sweat.”

↑ Drive national fitness

Zhao Sanlang said that the citizens who came to play ball included children, young people, and middle-aged people from all walks of life. In Chengdu, there are not many basketball platforms that are suitable for all ages, especially basketball venues with so many players participating and spectators watching. Therefore, as the “old man” here, I hope that Dayuanbaba basketball, a national fitness platform, will develop better and better, and he and his members will continue to do volunteer services to bring you a better sense of experience.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Zhaoting photo report

Edited by MangoReturn to Sohu, see more


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