
Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Heilongjiang Daily Newspaper Group, and Provincial Charity Federation jointly hosted the “Building Love and Realizing Dreams” public welfare activity launched today

Co-sponsored by Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Heilongjiang Daily Newspaper Group, and Provincial Charity Federation

May 31, 2022 21:03:20

Source: Heilongjiang News Network

Author: Jiao Jian, Tan Yingchun, Wang Xiaoping

Heilongjiang News Network News on the 31st (Reporter Jiao Jian Tan Yingchun Wang Xiaoping)Gather love and realize your dreams. In order to better implement the responsibility of “not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind” and actively doing practical things for the masses, the “Building” organized by the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Heilongjiang Daily Newspaper Group, Provincial Charity Federation, and co-organized by Heilongjiang Children’s Welfare Association The “Love Dreams” public welfare activity was launched on the 31st. A car full of boxes of stationery books, basketball, football and other supplies drove into Harbin Xiangyang Middle School.

Children carry stationery

Xiangyang Middle School, located in Jinjia Village, Xiangyang Town, Xiangfang District, is a rural school. The school is located in a remote area and has weak hardware facilities. The students of the school are all children of peasant families, and most families are in difficulty. This activity donated schoolbags, workbooks, pens and other cultural and educational supplies to 125 students from 6 classes in the school. Also donated some football, basketball, badminton, rope and other sports equipment that students like.

Donation Ceremony

At the donation ceremony, Principal Qi Guangtao said: “Thank you for your donations, because with the help of your caring organizations, we can break the deadlock in difficulties. I believe that under the care of everyone and the joint efforts of all teachers and students, It enables rural children to enjoy a good education and a happy life.”

Wang Yingqi, director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Charity and Social Work Service Center and secretary-general of the Provincial Charity Federation, hopes that this activity will plant small wishes in the hearts of children and inspire them to realize their big ideals. Wang Yingqi said that children are the future of the motherland, and teachers are the ones who create the future. He paid tribute to the gardeners and wished the children a happy holiday.

Sports equipment sent to the event

Ma Bailing, president of the Heilongjiang Children’s Welfare Association, has always been passionate about charity and public welfare, and the association has given financial support to this activity. She said that although the school conditions were difficult, she was very pleased to see the vigorous spirit of the children, and wished the children a successful academic career and a bright future. Li Jinrui, secretary general of the association, said at the scene: “I hope our modest efforts can be ‘the beauty of adults’, so that children can feel the great love of society, and accumulate the strength to study hard and strive for improvement.”

Warm applause at the ceremony

The public welfare activity “Building Love and Realizing Dreams” aims to gather love and convey warmth. We call on caring enterprises and caring people to work together with us, gather a love, help rural children realize their dreams, integrate the spirit of public welfare with the times, promote positive energy, and promote the new trend of the times.

Photo by reporter Li Lingxue

<!–enpproperty 6181522022-05-31 21:03:20:0焦健 谭迎春 王晓平“筑爱圆梦”公益活动今日启动爱心,活动,公益,协会黑龙江省民政厅、黑龙江日报报业集团、省慈善总会共同主办1209龙江新闻龙江新闻黑龙江新闻网汇聚爱心,实现梦想。为更好地践行“不忘初心,牢记使命”的责任担当,积极为群众办实事,由黑龙江省民政厅、黑龙江日报报业集团、省慈善总会主办、黑龙江儿童福利协会协办的“筑爱圆梦”公益活动31日启动。满载着一箱箱文具书籍、篮球足球等用品的爱心车开进了哈尔滨市向阳中学。1/enpproperty–>

Keywords-love, activity, public welfare, association

Website Editor – Yan Han


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