
The science department and the art department are not popular …? Realistic “school disparity” where characters and club activities are intertwined All the students can’t really enjoy | PRESIDENT Online

There is a survey result that students who belong to cultural club activities have lower self-evaluation than sports clubs. Associate Professor Hiroki Yamamoto of Tokyo Denki University said, “The unique order based on the” popularity and popularity “unique to the class group also affects club activities, creating an” honorary gap “between club activities that people can be proud of and club activities that are not. There is. “

* This article is written by Takayasu Nakamura and Ryoji Matsuoka.Educational sociology that can be used in the field](Minerva Shobo) is a re-edited part. ferrantraite

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School events and club activities are “two major flower shapes” activities in school education

What would you think of if you were told, “Give me the best memories of each of the elementary, middle and high schools?”

According to a survey of first-year students in the Faculty of Education at a university, the first place is “school events” (50.0%, 47.2%) such as school trips, school festivals, and athletic festivals at any stage of elementary, middle, and high school. , High school 40.7%), followed by “holiday / after school” (12.0%) for elementary school and “club activities” (middle 32.4%, high school 38.9%) for junior high school and high school. The reasons cited were “fun”, “a sense of accomplishment”, “a sense of belonging and a sense of unity”, etc. (Sasaki ed. 2014:18))。

In a survey of active elementary and junior high school students, looking at the percentage of those who answered “I like it very much” by educational activity, the top rankings were “school events” (61.9% for elementary school, 44.4% for middle school) and “club activities / club activities”. (Small 66.7%, Medium 43.1%), followed by “Physical education” (Small 58.2%, Medium 33.2%) and “School lunch time” (Small 45.5%, Medium 29.3%). The popularity of “school events” and “club activities” has more than doubled compared to the most popular “science” in the “five major subjects” (Kokushueisha) at 29.0% for small and 19.0% for medium. (Benesse Institute for Education 2005: 18)。

The results of these surveys show that for many children, “special activities (collective term for school events, class activities, student organization activities, etc.)” and “club activities” are the “two major flowers” of school education and “shadows”. Isn’t it the protagonist of the school?

We talk until late at night on school trips, announce our daily achievements at school festivals and athletic festivals, cast a clean vote at the Student Organization Inside School, and hug each other in club activities to shed tears. There is enthusiasm and solidarity not in class.

Ideally, “special activities” and “club activities” should be a rest for a moment to visit the murderous examination war, and a place for “festivals” to energize the daily life of a routine school.

What is the true nature of the disparity hidden in school “festivals”?

But some readers will want to say, “Wait a minute.”

“What is a festival. Club activities are covered with corporal punishment and pick up balls for three years.UniqueDokusenjoBut the Student Organization Inside School election was an empty popularity vote … “

Even in the elementary and junior high school student survey at the beginning, about a few percent of the children answered that they did not like “school events” and “club activities”, that is, there are several children in each class. The author is also the mouth of the teru teru bozu hung upside down on the eve of the athletic meet. The next day, the author swore while spending most of the day messing around with the sand under the fluttering autumn sky of the national flag … “Become an educational sociologist.”

There is a hidden gap between those who can enjoy the “festival” literally and those who do not, so to speak, the “festival gap”.



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