She was afraid to go to the doctor for a check-up, she was in the advanced stage of breast cancer | Women | Epoch Times

[Epoch Times, December 28, 2021](Epoch Times reporter Chen Wenmin reported by Miaoli, Taiwan) Huang Mingli, director of the Cancer Center of Daqian General Hospital, said that breast cancer currently ranks first in the incidence of cancer among women in China, with an average of one woman developing every 37 minutes For breast cancer, many women neglect their own health because they are busy or afraid of examinations, leading to serious illnesses before seeking medical attention.

62-year-old Ms. Wang went to the emergency department of the hospital due to severe chest pain and suppurative wounds. When the doctor opened her clothes for examination, she suddenly discovered that there was an ulcerated tumor on her chest that was more than 30 cm in size and the size of a basketball. Ms. Wang kept hiding her condition and did not seek medical treatment because she was afraid of her family’s worry.

Another 48-year-old Ms. Zhang discovered a lumps in her breast many years ago, but she was afraid of further examination until she had severe back pain and went to the emergency department. After a computer tomography examination, it was found that her breast tumors not only grew to 8 cm in size. It is as hard as a rock and has been transferred to many bones. Fortunately, with the support and assistance of family members and medical staff, the two patients are finally willing to cooperate with the treatment. Their current condition is much stable and they are also being followed up regularly.
Breast cancer currently ranks first in the incidence of cancer among women in China, mostly between 45-69 years of age. Although the National Health Administration currently subsidizes women aged over 45 to under 70 and women aged 40-44 with a family history of breast cancer such as their second parents, free mammogram examinations are provided once every two years, but there are still many women Seek medical attention only when the condition is serious because of being busy or afraid of examinations and neglecting one’s own health.

Regular mammography can help detect abnormalities early and treat them early. (Provided by Daqian General Hospital)

Treatment options for advanced breast cancer include: surgery, radiation therapy, systemic therapy (such as chemotherapy, targeted drugs, anti-hormones), immune and cell therapy. The physician will choose according to the patient’s condition and physical fitness. The most suitable treatment combination.

Director Huang Mingli said that according to research, the 5-year survival rate of advanced breast cancer in Taiwan is 33%, but in recent years, the 5-year survival rate of advanced breast cancer patients treated in Daqian can reach 50%, which is higher than the average of Taiwan, showing that even Stage 4 breast cancer is still not terminally ill. If the patient can cooperate with the doctor’s advice and actively treat it, it can help stabilize the condition and increase the survival rate.

Editor in charge: Tang Yin



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