
Attacked by LeBron, Kyle Rittenhouse insults him!

Like much of the American population, LeBron James had reacted strongly to the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, a young man accused of a double murder on the sidelines of the Black Lives Matter protests. Critical to him, the King received an NSFW response from his interlocutor!

His trial set the whole United States ablaze. Accused of double homicide after taking the lives of two demonstrators during the heyday of the Black Lives Matter movement, Kyle Rittenhouse had made the buzz during his trial. His tears during his testimony, fictitious according to some, had notably provoked a mocking reaction from LeBron James.

USA Today : Kyle Rittenhouse burst into tears at his murder trial while at the bar and described the events of August 25, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

LeBron James : What tears? I haven’t seen a single one. Dude stop your comedy! This kid ate lemons before he came to trial. ????????????

In the end, it seems that these sobs convinced the jury responsible for rendering the verdict in this case. Rittenhouse was indeed acquitted, which obviously earned LeBron a lot of mockery. A politician close to Donald Trump was therefore happy to troll the King in large widths, with a series of viral tweets. He is not the only one to have paid the head of the leader of the Lakers.

Kyle Rittenhouse responds to LeBron … with an insult

While he has been touring the sets since his judgment, Kyle Rittenhouse was able to react to LBJ’s comments concerning him. And unlike his lawyer, he did not do political correctness… at all!

I, too, was a Lakers fan before he said that. I was really pissed off when he threw that around because LeBron never did well. After that, I was there, like, “You know what? Go fuck yourself, LeBron. “

Not sure that the Chosen One regrets the loss of this fan, as the Lakers Nation has many, and given the esteem he had for him!

Lakers supporter, Kyle Rittenhouse now claims to hate LeBron James after his scathing statements about him. All with a little insult that could knock the King off the pins!


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