
At 18, how LeBron spent his very first big check

A model of professional success, athletic as well as entrepreneurial, LeBron James received his first check for several millions in 2003. While many would have broken the bank at only 18 years old, the young King decided to do otherwise. Explanations.

Small return in 2003. A phenomenon named LeBron James is selected with the first pick by the Cavaliers in the draft. Never has such a player had such a hype since high school, and the sponsors are fighting over him given the potential of the guy. Nike takes the stake and the King signs a huge contract of 87 million dollars, an obviously colossal sum. for a young player.

But while many would have been dizzy with so much money, LeBron, only 18 at the time, settled for a straightforward action. It is his former PR director, Chris Denis, who recounts the sequence for ESPN.

Chris Denis : In 2003, LeBron received his first check from Nike, which actually arrived at my house from the FedEx delivery man. After I hand delivered it to him, LeBron took that multi-million dollar Nike check, deposited it in the bank, and walked out with maybe $ 2,000 in cash. He never spent or engaged in stupid spending when the money arrived.

LeBron was therefore content to simply withdraw $ 2,000 in cash, out of several million that fed his bank account, in order to benefit his relatives. However, in addition to the check, you should know that Nike had also allowed himself to pamper “a little” his jewel, him and all his entourage:

Chris Denis : The next day, Nike rained so much product on him and his close friends it was like Christmas in West Akron.

After a difficult childhood, LeBron already had a sense of reality and the soul of a businessman at 18 years old. Almost 20 years later, The Chosen One must arguably be happy they made the right choice that day and can now enjoy an ever-expanding empire, guaranteeing them a great life after retirement. for himself, his family, his loved ones and future generations over several decades.

Especially as the news often confirms, many NBA players, young and old, manage their money rather badly and end up in financial difficulties. And if King is an example to follow, another name in the league is to be applauded as well: Jayson Tatum. He too understood very well that we should not ignite with big checks, he also displays an ultra intelligent management of his salaries. Foresight, the key word.

LeBron James was already mature at 18. Despite several millions in the bank account, no follies, just enough to spoil his loved ones after a sensational arrival in the NBA. Follow the example, even without having all 6 zeros.


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