
Why are we “open to blackmail” when we take in refugees? – Letters to the editor

When a child pelts another with clay in a children’s playground and the child starts to build a pretty castle with the material instead of being annoyed by the thrower – whether the throwing child would still want to add clay for too long throw? Why are we “open to blackmail” when we take in refugees and treat them humanely? Give them a perspective and maybe do ourselves a favor by the way? Whose worldview are we susceptible to blackmail? Would Belarus not seldom look stupid if one deliberately did not oppose it? What would Belarus do if there were no wall and barbed wire reflexes, but the situation was used positively? And then how quickly could the coup have backfired? Judo as a principle: Do not fend off the attack of the other person, but divert it gallantly. Bazaar Alabay, Emmendingen


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