
They file the cause of the contracts for the construction of the circuit of Formula 1 in Valencia

ValenciaThe court of instruction number 2 of Valencia has dictated the filing of the case opened by the contracts signed by the public company Circuit del Motor for the construction of the urban layout of the city that hosted five major Formula 1 awards among the years 2008 and 2012, as reported by the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Country.

Magistrate Beatriz Carmen Sobremonte considers that the crimes of prevarication and forgery that gave rise to the beginning of the case have not been duly justified, and second the request for filing made last summer by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office that in a report noted that he found no evidence of crime. Specifically, the prosecutor’s office questioned the existence in the public company of “a clear and obvious intention to violate the legal system, awarding contracts unfairly or arbitrarily.”

This piece investigated the process of contracting suppliers processed by the public company Circuit del Motor i Promoció Esportiva SA, which was 100% owned by the Generalitat and was financed with regional budgets and subsidies. The filing of the case affects a dozen investigators, including the former regional secretary of finance José Miguel Escrig and the former director of Circuit del Motor Julio García.

The filing of the investigation into the contracts signed by the public company Circuit del Motor adds to the closure of the case for the purchase of Valmor Sports, the company in charge of organizing the Grand Prix, and the investigation into the construction of the Formula 1 circuit of Valencia. Thus, only one case remains open in which former President Francisco Camps is charged, which focuses on the design of the car route, an action that cost 90 million euros.



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