
Discover practices, free of charge, this afternoon, Henri-Less room

In addition to a few regular meetings reserved for seniors (1) and before a conference on the theme of “the benefits of sport on well-being and against sedentary lifestyle”, organized by the MSA and moderated by Jean-François Labat, host sportsman within “T’air aventure”, Monday November 29 (2), ARSEPT Auvergne, with many partners (3), is organizing a day dedicated to sport, health and well-being for better and for aging well, entitled “In the fall, I stay in shape”.

This free action, open to all people over 60, will take place today, Monday, November 22, from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., in the Henri-Less room. It will allow each participant to discover or indulge in Nordic walking, archery, pilates (method of strengthening deep muscles), dance, boxing but also to obtain information on mushrooms. and or physical activities that can be performed at home.

Sweet or more rhythmic discoveries

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During this afternoon, a conference on the theme of “enjoying life to the fullest…” is planned. In a health context that remains tense, the health pass is mandatory.

(1) The operation “redansons dans nos campagne” which takes place for the second consecutive year in the village hall, on Mondays from 2 pm to 3 pm, and Nordic walking sessions (scheduled every Thursday until December 16).
(2) Salle des Fêtes, route de Bort, at 10:30 am Free and open to all.
(3) Retirement insurance, independent social security, CNRACL, MSA, Camieg, IRCANTEC, generations Mouvement, UNIRC, Fenara, CNSA, Departmental Committee of Voluntary Gym, La Mutualité Française, Una-Ased Cantal, UDAF, Siel bleu, la Fédération Française Sports pour tous, Accès Santé Nord Cantal association, the commune of Champs-Marchal.



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