An original initiative of the Ranch des Orgues

For the occasion, 6 participants were there to discover and practice for the first time, this spectacular discipline which combines precision and confidence with its mount.

Under the leadership of Régis Bouchet, federal expert in archery and equestrian show pedagogy, each rider began in pairs this practice, the key word of which is above all safety. In the morning, it was first of all to be introduced to the material (Mongolian type bow and carbon arrows with round ends), to the essential gestures, then to approach the desensitization of the horses which can sometimes be frightened by the hiss of the arrow until it hits the target.

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Secondly, the afternoon was devoted to practice on horseback. It was therefore necessary to apply the knowledge acquired previously, while managing his equine in a corridor several meters long to teach him the trajectory. On the rider side, the main difficulties were to notch the arrows in the bow at a regular pace to hope to shoot an arrow in each of the three targets, distributed along the length of the lane. After performing these exercises at a walk, a test, which was quite conclusive for all the participants, was attempted at the trot.

As Régis Bouchet pointed out, “this discipline is no fun. The bow is considered a weapon; so you have to remain vigilant at all times, especially in the presence of horses. However, I am very proud of this first experience since the riders were attentive and applied. Without a doubt, with a little practice, everyone will progress very quickly. This discipline which implies knowing how to ride a horse at three gaits is however accessible to all riders, provided they respect the safety rules ”.



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