
Municipalized school and kindergartens of Padre Las Casas receive sports equipment and psychomotrocity set from the IND – Temuco Diario


Soccer balls, basketball, volleyball, badminton and table tennis rackets, bows, t-shirts and psychomotrocity set were some of the implements that received the municipalized kindergartens of Padre Las Casas, “Droplets of Love”, “Manitos Pintadas” and the Chomío Rural School, on behalf of the National Sports Institute.

The delivery of the material, which took place at the Chomío Rural School, seeks to promote a culture of healthy life with the practice of physical activity and promoting healthy eating from an early age.

“Our role is the development of sport, hopefully from childhood and, through our Grow in Movement program, we encourage young children to be physically active. In this sense we have the distribution of materials and special programs, but after the pandemic, where we have been lacking in physical activity, it has been decided to take this material to schools and they agree to provide monitors to do physical activity “, explained Darío de la Fuente, regional director (s) of the IND and professor of Physical Education.

The head of Educational Management of Padre Las Casas, Sergio Ceballos stressed that the materials are for the benefit of the students. “They will have early stimulation from initial education, which enhances their integral development and is directly linked to their learning. We know that nowadays, it is essential to practice sports, recreation and stimulation through psychomotor skills for the development of skills and the development of future learning “, he relieved.

The director of the nursery and kindergarten, “Manitos Pintadas ”, Bárbara Arroyo commented that her establishment has been promoting physical activity for 11 years,“ and it is the first time that we have articulated this network with the IND, so it is a contribution in the training of children. We as professionals have been improving ourselves in physical activity for our children and we hold galas, workshops, so this material is very significant “, said.

In turn, Ivia Levío, Kindergarten educator at the Droplets of Love Cuna room, was grateful for the delivery, on behalf of her garden. “We have some elements in the garden, but not so complete, so I will favor us and we will start from Monday with face-to-face classes, so corporality and movement for children is at our core, to help them with the skills and abilities. motor ».

And for Erika Ruíz, director of the Chomío School, the sports implementation will further enhance the work that is done in physical education with the students, “Above all, in this time of pandemic, where we know that physical exercise was lost, because the children did not play sports at home and we see it today, with overweight students, therefore, we are happy with this delivery to the school of rural areas, which have a gym far away or cannot participate in sports activities and the IND brings sports to school “, he concluded.



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