
Judo: Koizumi Scicli is full of medals at the Italian cadet championships

A truly exciting success for the Sciclitan club that continues to accumulate successes thanks to a splendid team of young talents Gabriele Carnemolla Cat. 46 Kg, Matteo Agosta cat. 50 Kg, Luca Licitra cat. 50 Kg, Danilo Article cat. 73 Kg, Savita Russo cat. 57 kg that on the occasion of the Italian cadet championship held on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 have won 4 medals and a fifth place results that have allowed the judo club koizumi scicli to position itself in 3rd place among the best in Italy.

A long path, full of sacrifices, renunciations and difficult moments, the one that these guys led by their Maestro Maurizio Pelligra face every day with so much passion and dedication.
On Saturday he was the first to tread the tatami

  • Gabriele Carnemolla cat. 46 Kg. Already medaled in the National Cadets 2020 final disputes 4 matches of which 3 won for ippon and one lost and is classified in 3rd place;
    Following for the 50 kg category are Matteo Agosta and Luca Licitra.
  • Matteo Agosta despite a forced stop starts his race with great determination closing his 2 first matches for ippon in a few seconds, in the third meeting the referees row a little against and after a long fight dominated for over 8 minutes he is forced to accept the arbitration verdict, 3 yellow cards that award the victory to the opponent. The athlete Agosta continues his feat but finds himself having to compete in the final for the 3rd place with his partner Luca Licitra on which he has the better by finishing in 3rd place, winning the bronze medals and the black belt for competitive merits.
  • Luca Licitra who after losing his first match disputes the other 3 with great conviction until reaching the final with his partner Matteo Agosta. Final that marks the fifth place for the athlete Luca Licitra who has shown a great level of preparation, which is why we are sure that he will soon be on the podium in the next competitive events.
  • Article Danilo Kg. 73 succeeds in the great enterprise. There are 6 matches he had to play to reach the top step of the podium. Six very intense and emotional fights all won for ippon, winning the title of Italian champion and the black belt.
  • On Sunday it is the turn of Savita Russo, who has been back this year of several medals also in the international field, also in the national field she has imposed her supremacy by winning for ippon all the matches played for a total of 5, winning the title of Italian champion.

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