A 57-year-old man in Hangzhou went into a coma while playing badminton!Thanks to the arena’s AED staff trained in first aid-Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

A 57-year-old man in Hangzhou went into a coma while playing badminton!Thanks to the arena’s AED staff trained in first aid

Sports venues should really popularize AED, and everyone in the staff should learn first aid

Metropolis Express report At 12:20 noon on August 2, the third floor of Dinglan Cultural and Sports Center in Shangcheng District. A man was playing badminton and suddenly fell to the ground unconscious.

Ding Wanyan and Zheng Jun, the front desk staff of the venue, ran over and dialed 120 at the same time.

Both of them have received Red Cross first aid training and obtained on-site ambulance certificates. They found that the man who fell on the ground had weak breathing and heartbeat, and immediately began chest compression cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and brought the AED (automatic external defibrillator) equipped in the venue.

As time passed, they continued to rescue the man.

At 12:24, the man slowly recovered his heartbeat, breathing and consciousness.

At 12:31, the ambulance and paramedics arrived at the scene. After inspection, the man’s heart rate, blood pressure, and vital signs had begun to be normal.

Accompanied by the venue staff, the man was sent to the Dingqiao District of Hangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

The man is 57 years old and a native of Hangzhou. After being rescued by the hospital, he was out of danger.

Ding Wanyan, a staff member involved in the rescue, said that according to her later knowledge, the man did not come often. This time he was invited by a golfer to play. Starting at 10 o’clock in the morning, he played for more than two hours in a row.

At 12 noon, there were a lot of people playing basketball. When he suddenly fell, many enthusiastic golfers came to help.

Speaking of first aid training, Ding Wanyan said, “As soon as I joined the company last year, the leader suggested that I receive Red Cross first aid training. Our venues regularly conduct first aid training for employees every year, and the issued ambulance certificate also has a time limit. Training, the certificate will be invalidated.”

It is understood that most of the 15 employees in the Hongyou Sports Basketball Gymnasium where Ding Wanyan is located have undergone first aid training and are certified to work. In the entire Dinglan Cultural and Sports Center, there are 63 employees with ambulance certificates.

In June of this year, the Central Civilization Commission formally issued a letter to confirm that the Hangzhou “Red Cross Rescue by My Side” project is the primary contact point for the key work projects of the Central Civilization Commission. The Hangzhou Municipal Government has established a “Red Cross Rescue by My Side” work coordination group.

On July 30, Hangzhou City held the “Red Cross Rescue by My Side” project promotion meeting.

In the next step, Hangzhou will work hard to promote the “Red Cross Saved by My Side” project and make it the golden name card of Happy Hangzhou.

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Source: Metropolis Express Author: reporter Cheng Xiaolong, correspondent Tong Yin Chen Li Editor: Gao Tingting


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