
Wuhan Youth Sports Summer Camp is not limited to household registration, June 26, registration confirmation needs to “fight fast”-Jingchu Net-Hubei Daily Net

Wuhan Youth Sports Summer Camp is not limited to household registration

On June 26, registration confirmation is required to “hands fast” training will be blacklisted for unexcused absenteeism

Jumu News from Chutian Metropolis Daily (Reporter Deng Pengwei, Correspondent Xiao Hong Zhouyong) After the “Run, Youth” 2021 Wuhan Youth Sports Summer Camp released registration information on June 22, the Wuhan Municipal Sports Bureau announced the report on June 23. The ringing of a registration consultation phone keeps ringing, can I register for a foreign household registration? Can I sign up for a cross-region? In response to some questions in the registration, the relevant person in charge of the Wuhan Municipal Sports Bureau answered questions.

The free sports skills training activities of the summer camp will be launched on July 6. At that time, 170 training points will be distributed in various urban areas of the city. 16,880 young people will be trained in sports. The training programs include skating, skiing, martial arts, football, tennis, Equestrian, badminton, swimming, basketball, archery, water and table tennis, fencing, wrestling, taekwondo, gymnastics, each student can only sign up for one course.

The summer camp lasts for 12 days and will end on July 17. For details, please go to the official website of Wuhan Sports Bureau, search for “Wuhan Sports” or “Wuhan Smart Sports Service Platform” WeChat public account, or call (027) -85552102, 027-85552106, 027-85552108) Consult the relevant situation. As of the press time yesterday, the registration platform “Wuhan Smart Sports Service Platform” has 22,322 WeChat users authorized to log in, and 11,159 people have registered and filled in their personal information.

Registration and Q&A

Q: When is the registration time and what information needs to be filled in?

Answer: The registration process will start at 9:00 on June 23. The student information includes name, gender, student ID number, student’s own household registration page, school name and class.

Q: Why can’t I click the registration confirmation after entering the mini program?

Answer: The registration confirmation time is from 9:00 on June 26th to 12:00 on June 28th. When the registration is confirmed, you need to work hard until the quota is full.

Q: After the course registration is successful, what operations are needed?

Answer: After receiving the successful registration information in the message notification, you need to fill in the commitment form and upload the student’s photo. Click “Personal Center” “My Summer Camp”, select the successfully registered course, click Complete Information, and enter the complete information page. After completion, you can successfully view the results of class assignment and summer camp class information.

Q: I want to register for courses in other districts. Can I register across districts?

Answer: The system allows cross-region registration, and you can choose a suitable course to register until the quota is full.

Question: My child is not from Wuhan, what items can I apply for?

Answer: Students who register for the course can still register if they are not from Wuhan. There are age requirements for each project. If the student does not meet the age, they cannot register for the course.

Q: My child has a conflict between the training courses and summer camp for a few days. Can I ask for leave?

Answer: After the registration is successful, the students who are absent from class and have not participated in the course training will be blacklisted and will not be able to participate in the training and activities organized by the Wuhan Municipal Sports Bureau.


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