Judo Academy opens in San Judas market in Managua

Judo classes will be taught from two to five in the afternoon on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Judo Academy |


With the purpose of fostering a love for sports in Nicaraguan youth and encouraging them to practice this type of activity, the day before a judo academy was inaugurated in the San Judas market in the lll district of Managua.

In this sense, the vice mayor Enrique Armas specified that 100 athletes will be attended three times a week with ages ranging from six to 19 years old and will be in charge of Professor Ortiz of the Nicaraguan Judo Federation.

Armas mentioned that the completely new entity has all the requirements so that the boys do not get injured in the arduous days.

This academy will be in charge of Municipal Corporation of Markets of Managua (Conmema), the capital’s mayor’s office and the Alexis Argüello Sports Movement and the Nicaraguan Judo Federation.

“The mayor’s office has a more social, recreational and sporting approach; that the children of the merchants can take advantage of this opportunity to participate and practice some sporting discipline ”, Commema CEO Freddy Casco mentioned.

“We are very happy to be able to inaugurate the first academy, of many that may come together with the mayor of Managua. We as a federation have contributed to the Tami that you have behind us “ commented the vice president of the Judo Federation, Juana Abellán.

Judo classes will be held from two to five in the afternoon on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

/ lvr


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