
The Auvergne judo league shows a 35% drop in licensees with the pandemic

In this context of a pandemic, the number of followers has decreased in judo clubs with a considerable drop in licenses taken this year.
“The fall in the number of licensees began to be felt during the first confinement, with a drop of 1.13%”, calculates Thierry Karfo, marketing and communication manager at the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes league of judo and jujitsu . “But today we have lost almost 20,000 licenses, going from 56,575 to 36,798, which represents a loss of almost 35%. “
Disturbing figures: “We are sailing on sight”, specifies Bruno Mure, sports technical advisor to the regional league and general coordinator of the hope centers.

Clubs are running out of steam with confinements

The fact of being a contact sport, like karate, wrestling or even boxing, constitutes an additional problem. Only athletes who are part of a ministerial list, which are high level athletes, can train normally.

In the clubs, those under 18 had the possibility of training without contact and according to a precise protocol (until the last measures taken in mid January) “but some town halls did not wish to reopen the rooms for health reasons and practice “.
In this too vague context, many parents have not re-enrolled their children: “We don’t want to pay contributions if our son can’t go to the dojo,” confirms a mother. We prefer to wait until it is all over to resume normal life and activities. ”

Muriel Pommerol

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