
Don Bosco and his spiritual family in Ourense Letters to the editor – The Region

n n n [email protected]On the 25th I wrote to you about Don Bosco and his spiritual Family in the world. Today I offer you some information about his Family in Ourense. The collectives that I review below do not belong to any of the 32 formally constituted groups in the world. But they are all, at least generically speaking, of Don Bosco’s Family, because they all act with the mind, heart and hands of Don Bosco.

In the city’s María Auxiliadora parish, they want to work with the spirit of the album “With joy –missa-”, which the Salesian composer Carlos Martínez Voces released in mid-December. And with the same spirit they live in the parishes of Abeleda, Armariz, Xunqueira de Ambía, San Pedro de Ribeira and Vilar de Ponte Ambía, who spiritually nourish, from Ourense, the children of Don Bosco.

The fifteen workers of the Juan Soñado Foundation, based in our city, serve around 1,150 people who ask for help each year. They make reality what Mao said of Don Bosco: “Honor Saint John Bosco who took care of the needy and educated the workers.” That is why the Xunta de Galicia on December 4 awarded the Foundation an award for the “Volunteer awareness program: Accompanying Dreams, transforming realities”.

At the Salesian school everyone works knowing that “education is a matter of the heart”, because everyone feels “at home”, because everyone wants their recipients to be “at home”. Everyone knows that “something new is sprouting.” And the coaches of Club Deportivo Bosco, in its three modalities (football, basketball and badminton) know that young people today need people who educate them with the kindness of Don Bosco.

In Amencer, on the occasion of the pandemic, they want to walk and educate this year “moved by hope”. Based on the phrase from the book of Revelation: “I want to make all things new”, they know that “something new is sprouting.” This is how the 124 animators want to educate the several thousand children and young people who pass through the Youth Center throughout the year.

[email protected], the then president of Switzerland, José Motta, said: “I venerate Don Bosco as one of the most worthy apostles of the modern era.”

Remember: Masses on the 31st begin at 09:30, 11:00, 13:00 and 17:30. (These days, due to the pandemic, the afternoon masses begin at 5:30 p.m.) Happy Feast of Don Bosco!



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