
Isabel dos Santos’ lawyer refuses to collaborate in the Football Leaks case – Portugal

“This is a topic covered by professional secrecy” – that’s how Inês Pinto da Costa, lawyer for Isabel dos Santos at PLMJ, avoided answering questions about Luanda Leaks that were asked this Tuesday in court. The lawyer was heard as a witness at the 17th session of Rui Pinto’s trial, in the Football Leaks case.

Still exercising in the society that was ‘target’ of Rui Pinto, it only confirmed to the defense of the ‘hacker’ that folders and documents found on the discs seized by the authorities to the young man were his. “I don’t answer questions about newspaper news,” she said when confronted with news about the investigation into Isabel dos Santos’s business web. José Miguel Júdice, founder of PLMJ, was also heard. He called Rui Pinto “thief” and said he had emails about a company controlled by Isabel dos Santos, his client “in an arbitration process”.

Later, on Twitter, Rui Pinto wrote: “José Miguel Júdice dealt with thieves for decades, who filled his bank account through millionaire fees, and never complained. He defends Ricardo Salgado tooth and nail saying that he is no gangster. I think this ex-CDM is a joke. ”



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