Esport – League of Legends: the Worlds group stage deciphered – Esport – LoL

Meta : the most efficient way to play the game around. League of Legends evolves regularly (even if the principle remains the same), the meta with him.
Teamfight : team fights, game phases of collective confrontations.
Farm : passive phase of play, to strengthen your champion, generally at the start and middle of a match.
Gank: intervention of the jungler to assist a teammate in an area of ​​the map.
Dive :
aggressive and generally collective game phase under an opponent’s turret (they mark out the map, divided into two camps).
Top, jungle, mid, botlane (adc, support) :
the different play areas on the map. Also define the different positions of the players.
Orianna, Syndra, Lillia, Graves, Nidalee, Lee Sin, Leona, Nautilus, Rakan: champions, playable characters of League of Legends. Before each match starts, players each choose one, trying to create synergies based on their stats and meta.



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